Did you know that since 2015 you have been able to access certain online services. These include:-
Booking and cancelling an appointment
Order repeat prescriptions
Look at certain parts of your medical records
From 1st November 2022 you will be able to see ALL parts of your medical records, but only from this date moving forward.
Online services are free to access and use. You can still telephone or come to the surgery as you do now, this is just another way to take control of your health.
Is the act of governing the actions of another by force or threat, in order to overwhelm and compel that individual to act against their will. If someone is asking to access your records against your will - please either inform the healthcare professional or the reception staff as soon as possible
Up to a child's 11th birthday, the parent or carer will usually control access to their child's records and GP online services.
Access to records will automatically be switched off when the child reaches the age of 11. The age at which a young person becomes competent to make autonomous decisions about their healthcare, including who should have access to their GP online services, will vary from person to person. This must be assessed by the GP before we can make any amendments.
Once a young person turns 16, by default the previous competence assessment is no longer applicable as they are assumed to have capacity unless there is an indication to the contrary.
If you wish to sign up for this service you can do so by using the NHS app. You may have this from using it during Covid-19, you will already have verified your identity through the app. This is the quickest and easiest way to sign up. If, however, you would like to sign up through the surgery, you are most welcome to do so by doing the following:-
Come to the surgery with 2 forms of ID, one must be photo ID, so a passport or a picture driving licence and also proof of your address, this must be dated in the last 3 months, examples of this would be a bank statement or a council tax statement. (mobile telephone bills are not accepted). We will then provide you with a letter with a unique username and password.
You will then need to download one of the apps which support online services such as DDM Health Ltd, EMIS patient access and Health2works
https://www.patientaccess.com/ https://ddm.health/ https://www.health2works.com/
There are lots of places where you can learn to use the internet for free. Here are just a few:- www.learnmyway.com or www.ageuk.org.uk or telephone age uk on 0800 169 2081
If you are familiar with the internet, you can take a short course on how to start using GP services on line at www.learnmyway.com/what-next/health
Click on the following links for further information regarding online access:-
Getting started:-
What you need to know:-
Giving another person access:-
Protecting your records:-
online services